For some energy during this long weekend in Romania, let’s go with Billy Idol and Dancing with myself. Have a good vacation!
Enjoy the video below
For some energy during this long weekend in Romania, let’s go with Billy Idol and Dancing with myself. Have a good vacation!
Enjoy the video below
About ten years ago I used to have a colleague at work who wanted to become a hip-hop singer. I’ve never seen him play or listen to any of his songs at that time. Well, time has passed and he is going to release his first album tommorow! :). It’s nice to see people following their dream and making them come true.
So, his band is called Katana and was established in 2004 by menthoru and No Mo’, trying to blend in their music both asian influences and powerful emotions in the lyrics. They released to EPs so far, with Hades Records – “Codul Cuvantului” (Code of the Word) in 2006 and “Vox Latina” one year later. They started working on their current album, “Momente si Schite” (Moments and Sketches), in 2009 but some events prolonged the release of this material. Finally, this year, on 22nd of April, they will release it in a live concert in Elephant Pub in Bucharest.
I am not that much intro hip-hop but I like the clean sound and the general feeling of their single. Enjoy Katana – Amintiri din copilarie below. You can find out more about them on their website.
I wrote some years ago about Natalis , sung in Aromanian language. I recently came upon another song, from a completely different genre, also played in Aromanian. Both of them have an interesting charm – it’s like you know the language, but you don’t understand a thing they say :)
Today’s song, in Aromanian language is Subcarpati (with Mara) – La Cutari. Enjoy!
There are many ways to remix / remake a song, sometimes for the better and most times for the worse. But sometimes, it just gives a new dimension to the whole thing. This is what I felt when I discovered this video.
Basically, the Viva Vox choir (from Serbia) made some choral interpretations to popular songs. They had a hit with Du Hast and kept on going. What came out for Prodigy (a mix of songs) is just amazing! See for yourselves below.
heard about it on mixtopia
One of the best covers I’ve heard lately comes from Hugo. He took Jay-Z’s 99 problems song, stripped it bare and sang it in a blues / country fashion.
What came out – you can see for yourselves below.
From somewhere between alternative and hard rock, Plush became one of the best known song from Stone Temple Pilots. And for no particular reason, it fits as song of today :)
Enjoy it below!
I really like this song (the original) and I also like Duffy’s voice a lot. As a result, I love this cover – Duffy – Stay with Me.
Enjoy it below!