I am in search of a good trafic counter which goes well with wordpress. A plugin would be the preffered option. Can anyone help with some suggestions?
I want the standard functionality, but most important it is to be reliable. Currently, Google Analytics provides some data which totally conflict with AWstats which is installed on the server.
Thanks !
6 comments so far
AWStats, based on your web logs, should be more accurate compared to Google Analytics (though, I am surprised to hear of a significant discrepancy).
For spiffyness, I like http://mapstats.blogflux.com/
sitemeter – not sure how it works with WP though
There’s no good place for me to ask this: Do you plan to have RSS feeds in the future?
I just added it. Please check on the right-hand sidebar.
Hopefully it is working :)
Seems broken-ish. 404 error from Feedburner. (I can see the RSS feed for comments here.)
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