Music Blog Romania

Making charts late at night


Few hours ago, someone said to me that the best album in the last 5 years she considers to be Placebo’s latest one, Meds. I found it pretty dull, with most of the tracks having the same sound and not too creative. Plus, it sounds like such a small evolution from previous albums that I really cannot consider it worthwhile. Although, it debuted quite well in the UK, making it to #7 in the charts.

Now, I find it very hard to say which is the best album in the last 5 years (too many of them and too hard to make such an hierarchy), but I would say that the best album of 2006 is David Gilmour’s On An Island. I like it for the great feeling it inspires, along with the excelent sound and performance of David. In my opinion, one of the greatest artists of all times. Also, I was positively impressed by Sepultura’s new album, so this would be another candidate

Which do you consider to be the best album of this year ?


6 comments so far

I’ll take 8 more months to decide, after which I hope someone finally released something halfway decent.

Come on, I don’t think you can say that David Gilmour’s album and Ian Gilan’s are not decent…

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Neither of those musicians plays the kind of tunes that get my blood boiling, so I admit my ignorance about their latest works.

eu eram hotarit sa iti zic ca, de fapt, albumul lui gilmour se cheama “fost on an island”. cel putin asa zic toate cautarile din google care ajung pe blogul meu. se pare ca m-am inselat totusi :D. cind am scris despre asta, se chema tot “on an island”. anyway, de unde poate fi dldat?

nu stiu de unde, ai putea incerca de pe DC++.

Eu il am, daca il vrei….spune-mi si facem intr-un fel sa iti parvina :)

I do not quite agree that Meds hold the top, it’s a pretty dull thing. They should make more changes, the only progress is in the amounts of melancholy. Ever visited ‘ For Gilmour’s fans and others…

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