Music Blog Romania

Philosophycal issue


Since about 3 weeks now, one of my work colleagues has a question he cannot find the answer for….maybe some of you can help.

Basically, the question is: “Where does a song go when nobody’s singing it?“. Or, in Romanian: “Unde se duce melodia atunci cand nu o canta nimeni?

His comment: Please answer in a serious manner.
My comment: :)))))

5 comments so far

I’d say it goes straight to Number One on the Pop Charts. ;]

I swear I was thinking of the exact same thing :D

well this actually would be a philosophical debate linguistics-wise.
because it’s got to do with semantics, innit.
what your work mate said has the stuff of a good quote. moreover, it’s the kind you don’t talk about, because you know it expounds an immortal truth and nobody can really be arsed to answer it anyway.
i hope that’s serious enough cos i’m breaking a sweat.

try this:

may i answer with a question? of course i may ….where does love go when it ends?

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